Github Pages Guide

Create a personal website hosted and deployed by Github!

Authored by
CS193 Team
February 28, 2021

What is Github Pages?

Github Pages allows you to easily host and publish a webpage through Github. To start, all you need is a Github account!

How Can I Set Up my GH Page?

Set up a basic webpage by completing the following steps!

  1. Create a new repository

Create new repository

  1. Push your first file to the repository’s main branch. You can use our template file by saving as a markdown file (using the file extension .md)

Add to repository

  1. Click on the settings tab in your repository menu

Click Settings

  1. Scroll down to the section called GitHub Pages

Github Pages tab in Settings

  1. Change the Source setting to the option called main branch and click save

Change Source

  1. At this point, you can visit https:// to view the website you just activated.

Your website is ready!

Congrats! Your webpage has been deployed successfully!

Editing my Page

Any edits to your repository should automatically reflect onto your deployed Github Page, although your changes may not load immediately. If you do not see any changes, hit CTRL + SHIFT + R (or ⌘ + SHIFT + R on macs).

If you want to continue to edit your page using Markdown (which is what is using), check out this markdown guide

Want some inspiration on what to do with your new website and lots of cool free stuff? Take advantage of Github’s Student Developer Pack! To do this, navigate to the Github Student website and follow the steps there to request access.

Category: technical

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